This is one of the saddest times I have ever seen. Being in LE for just about 20 years I thought I had seen it all. Good cops. Bad cops. We seemed to find a way to weed out most of the bad ones, at least I thought. I would see people cop bashing and it would anger me.
They had no idea what me and my co-workers went through. What my family went through. But that entire time I had no idea that what they were expressing was one in the same of what I wanted to do. There are bad cops.
There are cops who love the authority and the ability to be heavy handed and get away with it. It’s disgusting. It’s time for change. Hell, change is long over due. What does change look like?
No one knows, but I know that I have the ability to focus on the student athletes I coach and show them what’s right and what’s wrong. Show them that we are all human beings. Show them that we all need love and we all are here for such a short time, let’s enjoy it together.
Let’s kill the hate, let’s kill racism that still exists today. Good cops need to take a stand and get rid of every last one of the bad, no good cops who are not only ruining the profession, but ruining families, friendships and lives of millions of Americans.
We all need to be part of the solution. Control what we can control and let’s be better, as we ask our student athletes to do. You can agree with me or disagree, I really don’t care. Im going to be part of the solution, and do my best to help fix this major problem.
You can follow @coachjantonio.
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