I’m sure various bad actors are trying to use the riots to advance their agendas, but the notion that this is all “outside agitators” seems...implausible in the extreme. Certainly, the idea that antifa tards are playing a big role is laughable.
I don’t know how anyone looks at the US in May of 2020 and decides that there must be some *SEEKRIT* reason for civil unrest.
(Very serious) proximate issues of police violence aside, real unemployment is likely higher right now than it was in the depths of the Great Depression. It would be weird if this WASN’T happening.
I mean I posted this on FB back in March. You don’t need to be Karl Marx to work this shit out.
This is not a matter of “rooting” for anything. If you think I’m cheering while the wheels fall off my own society...well, you’re wrong. This isn’t “the revolution” and isn’t likely to end well.
But... the thing is, the situation in the US before the riots was also unstable and unlikely to end well. Things obviously couldn’t stay this way forever, and now they aren’t.
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