Idk how to like, casually slip this onto the tl, but if your partner ever puts their hands around your throat in anger or as a way to keep you in line, the likelihood that they will murder you in a future confrontation increases sevenfold according to every stat we've got
I feel like women my age had to put up with a lot of shit when we became sexually active but the prevalence of slapping and choking during sex in today's teen relationships, *without any prior discussion or consent* really troubles me.
You don't spring that on someone & you absolutely don't have to go along with it to seem chill or sexually liberated if you don't feel comfortable with it. Choking someone for any length of time can result in lifelong health problems like seizures and brain damage.
I know lots of adults enjoy consensual choking during sex and if they understand they are taking a huge fucking risk with their lives (and may face criminal charges in the event of death) I'm not going to tell them they have to stop, BUT
If you're a teen and your partner springs that on you, they don't give a fuck about your comfort or safety and if you put up with it to please them it's going to be that much harder to value yourself enough to end things if they do the same thing to put you in your place.
Anyways i wish everyone would listen to the interview with an expert on coercive control this tweet is responding to, it was a huge perception shift for me:
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