On April 5 in 1968, the day after MLK’s assasination looting and riots had become ubiquitous in DC. On this day, my grandfather, Ernest David McIntyre was on his way to get milk for his 1 year old daughter (my mom), and never made it home. He was 20 years old, here’s the story.
My grandfather was 20 years old, employed by the Naval Research Labatory as a custodian and also worked pt at Al’s Liquor Store on South Carolina Street in DC. The evening of April 5th, my grandfather left home to get milk, while on his way out his supervisor called from Al’s...
The supervisor asked for my grandfather to go check on the liquor store as news of the riots was spreading. He was told to ensure it was ok and locked properly, that’s what he did. However, as finished locking the door ( with a KEY in his hand) he was approached by an officer..
Albert C. Lorraine to be exact, a private for MPD. As my grandfather turned to face the sidewalk after locking the building, Lorraine already has his gun drawn, claiming he saw a man backing out of a broken liquor store window. According to this cop...
The “man” (my grandad) suddenly whirled around about 12 to 15 feet away from the policeman, holding a “shiny object” (the keys used to lock the liquor store) menacingly in his outstretched hand (Gilbert,1968). At this point, the cop with his gun already drawn, fired a shot ...
Striking my grandfather in the back and continued to shoot as my grandfather ran to seek safety across the street and down an alley. My grandfather was found dead in the alley with a gunshot wound to the back. My grandmother was at home awaiting her husband’s return (she was 19)
With no cell phones or pagers, my grandma had no way of contacting him when out. My grandfather was killed at approximately 9:15 pm. After a few hours my grandma began to panic. In the late hours of the night there was a harsh knock at the door. It was the police with guns drawn
to inform my 19 YEAR OLD grandmother with a babygirl that her husband was dead and that she needed to go down to identify his body, and so she did, and from that moment she transformed into a warrior that would be damned if she didn’t get justice for her husband and my mom...
who never had the opportunity to truly know her father, and the damage that this is caused reflects in my familiy’s everyday lives. Despite her relentlessness, a grand jury refused to indict the killer cop (Lorraine). I have reached a point of such exasperation and sadness that
that is triggered each time another black man or woman is killed unjustifiably just as my grandfather was, his autopsy revealed his murder was an unjustified homicide but no charges or convictions. I am sick & tired, black people are sick and tired of the repeated cycle with no
Resolution so what else would one expect than the unrest happening at this moment. Idk why I did this today but I couldn’t hold my family’s history in anymore and felt this story is important to share. This is not even close all of the information I’ve gathered but it’s a start.
Introducing my grandfather, Ernest David McIntyre. I’m so sorry it took so long for your story to be shared, but I will never stop sharing it. 🌹❤️
My family and I are overwhelmed by the response to my thread thus far thank you all so much for retweeting and liking! You are so appreciated! 🌹❤️
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