remember to show black lesbians love. black lesbians especially black trans lesbians are often the most erased people in the lgbt community and don’t get anywhere near enough love and appreciation for all the strength they have while facing lesbophobia + racism simultaneously
black lesbians are frequent victims of racialized violence and there have been a huge number of black lesbian murders that the media hasn’t covered, also committed by police. black lesbian victims are just as important in the #BlackLivesMatter movement as the rest.
feel free to add more resources i'm just gonna add what i could find since this really is something that is hardly talked about.
the murder of a 15 year old black lesbian in 2003
People who identify as either trans or people of color are 2x as likely to experience assault or discrimination as non-transgender white individuals. Poc Trans survivors experience higher rates of serious injuries (11.8%) as compared to white cis people. 
THE ASTRAEA LESBIAN FOUNDATION FOR JUSTICE is the only philanthropic organization working exclusively to advance LGBTQI human rights around the globe.
The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 gives the FBI authority to investigate violent hate crimes, including violence directed at the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community.
Gun Control, Mental Illness, and Black Trans and Lesbian Survival
Donating link to Tony Mcdade family's fund
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