In response to the Lincoln protests this morning:
Peaceful protests only work when they are listened to. Peaceful protests for #BlackLivesMatter have been going on for decades. And nothing has changed. Many are comparing this to the Boston Tea Party- years of oppression
and protests there lead to nothing until the colonies violently attacked the British. This is another example.

You don't listen when they asked not to be shot for running in a neighborhood, or playing in a playground, or sleeping in their own homes.
You listen when you are forced to. Don't look away. If you are bothered more by the looting than the murder, you are the problem.
And my opinion means nothing to the current situation. I am only speaking for myself, trying to get other white people to listen and pay attention. To the POC, and black people in particular, who are being killed.
My voice is not the one that should be speaking or listened to. But white people tend to only listen to other white people. So it is our duty to listen first, understand, and speak only to lift up the voices and experiences of POC.
End thread. 5/5
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