White people, before you put on your hoodies and bandanas consider the fact that you’d do much more good showing up business casual. It ruins photo ops of Black people “being violent” and throws off cops. Mix into the crowd and stand your ground.
Matter fact before you leave the house make sure you wouldn’t be better off crowdfunding for protesters and providing care and services for them. Make sure they have lawyers. Make sure they have bail.
If you’re leaving to protest anyway please don’t be the one to start the fire. Once police get riled up they start rounding up and beating every Black person in sight. You’re off their radar. We get condemned harshly for your actions. Remember that before you throw that cocktail.
We understand you want to be here for us. But there’s a difference in supporting us and piggybacking off of our anger and pain to be destructive. Because you walk away from it unscathed and we do not. Be conscious.
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