I know there are undercover cops and undercover white supremacists working to escalate things but/and I also know how many times I have been a part of protests wherein liberal white men escalate in the name of being radical and ignore the wishes of those who should be centered.
Please don't be that guy. Or that white person of any a/gender. It's not a helpful use of privilege to escalate things unless asked. You're not taking one for the team. You're not being radical. It's not showing how much you care. There's too much at stake.
Some of the conversations I have had with well-meaning cishet white men about "revolution" over the last few years genuinely concern me and especially now. An exchange of power from conservative white men to liberal white men is not a revolution.
Publicly practicing white male rage that's not disciplined by a commitment to anti-racism & anti-sexism, not interested
in humility, love, what's best for the marginalized, &unconcerned with transformation is dangerous. It's not liberative for anyone, not even white men.
Across different cities last night, I saw on livestreams or saw reports of so many white people disrespecting the foundation of this uprising. We gotta do better. Maybe part of being a white ally at protests is monitoring other white behavior?
As my friend @EqualityInFaith said, 'decentering whiteness is a spiritual practice." Now's a great time for all of us to be trying it.
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