THREAD: White agitators are instigating violence at peaceful black protests.
Here's a white man systematically breaking windows. Whether his is a cop as some claim or not, this man is instigating looting and he's doing it calmly and with clear intent. /1
In some cases, white allies, all too comfortable with their own privilege are getting aggressive with police, knowing that they are relatively safe. That would be the most benign example. White privilege putting black protesters at risk, which is not benign at all. /3
But something much uglier is also going on. Extremists on the left and right want a race war, they want to trigger the collapse of civil society. /5 /4
White nationalists and nazis want full scale collapse, what they call Boogaloo. They are showing up at protests.
This is what they sound like online. /6
Whatever the politics of whites engaging in the protests, It's beyond disheartening to hear this:
What white allies must do is insure that black protest leaders voices are paramount. They give us the marching orders, not the other way around. Listen to this and own it or stay the fuck off the streets. /8
What white allies can do is keep our black brothers and sisters safe by not starting violence that will most certainly blow back on black communities after we go home to our safe white neighborhoods. Use your white bodies to shield black protesters peacefully. /9
If you see a white protester instigating violence against police, challenge them. This is a black led protest movement and whites who throw bottles or taunt police are putting the entire movement at risk. When whites do violence we are doing white nationalists work for them. /10
Reponse to @JosefAdd Thanks Josef Totally aware that I'm speaking from my positionality to others that are white. As such, I can't ever fully comprehend what's going on. Will know more as black activists do that process called picking apart the details /11
Annnnddddd.... I'll leave this here:
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