People underestimate just how Zoroastrians hate Hs.

Pretty sure massive wars were fought by the Kushana, Sindhi, & later the Gupta with the Parsuka on religious matters.
Even now, any interaction with Zs & Hs brings out the venom within them quicksharp. In public, they're better behaved since they're conscious of how they've weakened.

When in strength, they'd break temples as much as any P. Remember that they're heretics from Dharma anyway.
The entire Z cult is a carefully constructed Reactionary system against the Veda. Nothing organic or natural about it.

As such it's just forerunner of Abrahmic stuff.

There are a few mitigating aspects, but long gone. They likely inspired the Ys, & have adopted their customs.
Historically richest lands of Kuru's Empire was in India.

Saddam's boys repeatedly attacked Rome, a poorer place.

So why "nothing" from India?

Pretty certain that half the descriptions of stuff in the Raghuvamsha were inspired by Gupta wars with Persia.
The killing (sacrifice?) of Dyaus Pitar by Indra & the "consumption" of the Asura by Daeva are foundational beliefs of all IE religions.

Zs all but spit on the system. But they're too recent to be a "remnant system". More likely, they just made shit up.
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