As a brown person growing up in Utah & America the number of amazing & loving things I have experienced from my fellow Americans of many color, creed, gender, religion, & orientation infinitely out weight the number of times an ignorant person has tried to marginalize me.
I think people shouldn't focus too much about what a small group of racists who are forcefully pushing their agenda down our collective throat; we are all better than them collectively. The actions of a few doesn't represent the whole of what we've forged as a nation.
Only in America can Sikhs, Tamels, Palestines, Jews, Muslims, Serbs, Croats, Arabs, English, French, Germans, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, gays, straight, black, white, brown, & all of the rainbow of people live in harmony, love, & peace. America is amazing.
The murderous actions of a handful of racists against POC & the racist agenda of groups who want to stop the pace of our communal progress of a plural society doesn't define us whatsoever. They have always been around & will never be extinguished, evil will always exist.
Being an American is the most amazing thing to be. I LOVE our great nation & the resilience of our people who have the resolve to make it better. Everyday I love waking up in this great country & seeing the magnificent things that we build & create together.
All we can do is continue to work on creating a better society by teaching our children to be better than we are. They hold the keys to a brighter tomorrow by teaching them to love one another better than we have loved one another. Be cool to each other, we're in this together.
America is the great plural society experiment & will have it's challenges as it grows, expands, & develops. It's a painting of many colors & brush strokes, imperfect & perfect at the same time. It's the best nation in the world, a beacon of hope, prosperity, love, & freedom.
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