Let’s play a little game I like to call, “multiple things can be simultaneously true.” Ready?

The following things are true, all at the same time:

Racism is real and awful and systemic and has to be addressed if this country is ever really gonna be worth a shit.

The death of George Floyd is a MURDER and should be prosecuted and sentenced as such.

Otherwise peaceful protests are being stoked and pushed into the realm of violence and damage by bad actors online, on TV, and apparently IN PERSON at the protests, which is then churned up and spun and used to push various narratives and make everybody PISSED OFF.

All of this happening while a FVCKING PANDEMIC is still going on, which means later in June numbers will spike and force a lot of hopeful plans about entering the next “phase” to be modified or abandoned...

Making everyone even more isolated and lonely and hopeless and PISSED OFF and adding more powered to the keg.

And it’s summer of a presidential election year. THIS presidential election year.

I have a pet peeve about people who say stuff like “there are no such thing as coincidences” but all that stuff I just mentioned?

It’s not.

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