Why not now?

After 400 years of unabashed racism and pervasive white supremacy so deeply seeped in the American way of life that most carriers cannot even see it, why not now for this demonic stronghold to be broken? Why not now in a time and generation among the least likely?
Why not now?

In a narcissistic, self-selling, me-serving social media culture when the witness of the white church is marred by failing moral courage? Why not now when we're the most privileged and the least spiritually fit? Why not now when it would make the least sense of all?
Why not now?

When political parties force us to choose whether we are for the protection and dignity of the unborn or the protection & dignity of the born & aging? Why not now for an unlikely generation that believes in the sanctity of all life from conception to coffin to rise?
Why not now?

When there’d be no white knight in shining armor?Just the willful Spirit of a brown-skinned man from Galilee, Jesus the Nazarene, the God-Man, who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, who said, lay down your life for My sake & find it?
Why not now?

When Christ alone could be credited for the brokenness of a 400 year-old unbendable spine of white supremacy? When Christ could be the only excuse for a wave of repentance so deep, the soil of this land was soaked with tears? Why not now for grief to birth hope?
Why not now?

For when the blind see and the deaf hear and the mute speak and dead hearts are raised, will many not have to marvel and say that Jesus the Nazarene, the Crucified and Resurrected Christ, the King of all Creation, the Lion & the Lamb must surely have been among us?
Why not now?

For our bruised and broken and bleeding world to behold the Savior of the world saving us?
Allow me to state this blatantly: My words are not in support of violence of any kind. This is in the hope of the gospel. This is in the hope that Jesus will open many of our ears to hear the cries of the centuries-old pain beneath the current cacophony. Then be part of a change.
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