I'll say it: a lot of the anger you see in the streets is because the CARES Act, good piece of legislation that it was, was not administered properly by federal or state governments. My Dad got laid off 8 weeks ago, stuck in UI system failure, @GovLarryHogan doesn't return calls
@RepDavidTrone staff takes four weeks to respond to a message, and the Maryland UI system apparently has no human beings working at it because despite about 500 calls to their number and two emails, only robotic assistants. He wld be OK with the enhanced UI but he's about to
Have serious problems. And the message from all the powerful pols, particularly unimpressed with @RepDavidTrone, is live off your savings. Well here's reality for clueless millionaires & billionaires like Congressman Trone: it's absolutely impossible to have a savings account
When you're making $7.15 an hour or $10 an hour or even $20 an hour. Over the past ten years the cost of housing has doubled, even tripled in many areas while wages remained flat. It was good for the people at the top, like Congressman Trone, who made somewhere around $50 million
On his Total Wine and More stores. And better for the tech Bros that have ruined my beloved native San Francisco Bay Area. But for the people who worked for Trone or who work for Wal Mart
or who work(ed) at the airport or who work for Amtrak--jobs that have a high percentage of people of color in them--it has been endless & painful personal budget cuts for working families. Cable bill, gone. Internet bill, gone. Going out to eat gone. Movies, gone.
Collectively as a society we have treated human beings as little more then data points in an alogrythm. We haven't prioritized our fellow human beings well-being & we have left them with so little that when it all goes to pot, they're stuck in homelessness & poverty.
Now Governors like @GovSisolak @GavinNewsom & @GovTimWalz are preparing drastic cuts to state budgets because @realDonaldTrump & @senatemajldr failed to protect their constituents. People dealing with total failures like the Maryland UI System under @GovLarryHogan
Are looking at the very real possibility of eviction & foreclosure. Not that Nevada's much better @GovSisolak (the Uber drivers got their one week UI payment but not their back payments according to my friends, as everybody is going back to work next week, I doubt they'll
Ever recover the money the state and federal government promised them). So many haven't paid their rent. @JulianCastro & @Castro4Congress rightly point out 8 million people didn't pay their rent in April or May. Without the back paid UI states like Maryland & Nevada owe my Dad
And Uber drivers, hair stylists and other 1099 workers, families won't be able to come up with money to pay backed rent by the looming July 1 eviction deadline. What coronavirus did is cause many, many people to look down. They all realized that the Gilded Age that started
40 years ago has left us without a functioning safety net. And people think, probably rightly, that they'll falll through that safety net in the coming months. The killing of George Floyd, which was outrageous & heinous, may have been the spark that lit this fire and
Of course @realDonaldTrump's classless and indefensible tweets was the gasoline that turned it into a nationwide fire. But the anger comes from eight weeks of calling Maryland UI and only getting a robot who can't help, from calling @RepDavidTrone's office five times & it taking
Four weeks to get a response to the first call. It comes from the fear of knowing that it is all going to go down the drain in a month or two. And of facing the reality that life on the street means you can be killed for inexplicable reasons by authorities who abuse their power.
That's why people are rioting with the fierceness that we are seeing at the moment. There's a term for these kind of riots: bread riots. And their root cause: the total failure of @realDonaldTrump to deal with the coronavirus crisis.
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