For my Toronto people marching today remember:
Black or grey baggy clothes
Don't wear your regular shoes
Long hair? Wrap it and wear it low
Wear gloves and masks
Hand sanitizer
USE A BUDDY SYSTEM - if you get separated choose a meeting spot and meet there
Bring snacks
If you normally wear makeup - DON'T
Have distinct tattoos? Cover them up
If you're going to document it with a camera, bring only the basics
Stay safe and alert
Bring water and bring/buy a small container of milk - just in case.

Christie Pits is a giant bowl. Stay closer to the streets and don't go deeper into the park.

They had a riot there once before:
Watch out for instigators.
They'll want to loot and deface property in Regis's name to serve their own selfish needs and agenda. Call them out.
Coordinate with your buddy
Have a check-in friend that won't be there and commit to a check-in time.
If we're mutuals and you need a check-in, DM or message me
(I can't be there because of health reasons)
Speaking of
As the weather gets warmer masks are hard to breathe in
Wear them. For your health.
Wear layers if you can. Wear a different shirt under the baggy shapeless one that you can wear home.
You KNOW the cops are going to treat you differently from the people who were in Bellwoods breaking by laws last week 😒

Don't give them any excuses
Pepper spray is not fun. Trust.
Rinse the area with water
Blink rapidly to cause tears to flush out your eyes.
Expose as much as you can to air
This is why layered / extra clothing is important
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