I have a few things to say about privilege. Your disclaimer is this perspective comes from a straight white woman who lives an above average lifestyle. Wasn’t always this way - had nothing to my name when I left home at 17. But I digress 1/?
So this starts w some conversations I was having yesterday about the current state of affairs in the US. As I was updating a couple of folks - (who shall remain nameless) - I heard comments like, “I’ve been watching this stuff for years,” “that can’t be the full story.”
Ok. So let’s assume you’ve “been watching this stuff for years,” what have you done about it? Have you used your position of privilege to do anything about it? Or are you safe & secure in your bubble whilst the world burns around you? However this was the less irritating comment.
“There must be more to the story,” was infuriating. It’s the same logic that is used to further victimize victims. It’s the disbelief of someone who has privilege and can’t understand what it is like to be treated poorly for simply being who they are. It’s a red herring
I’m not saying there is never more to a story. Twitter is hirtibke for nuance but this isn’t a nuanced topic anyway. I am saying that if you have privilege it’s easy to assume someone who “gets in trouble” with authorities must have “done something, right?!”
So I have some bad news for those of you who think this way because “it’s never happened to me.” You don’t have perspective. You don’t “get it.” Btw I don’t always “get it,” but I simply refuse to dismiss things easily or allow victims to be further victimized.
A minor traffic offense shouldn’t become a death sentence. Watching birds, working on your own home, repairing your car etc. shouldn’t be a signal to for someone to call the police. I work in my yard, walk my neighborhood, have had a speeding ticket yet I’m still doing my thing
Why? Because no one ever questions if I belong. I don’t “look” like a threat. So park your privilege and understand. It isn’t the same for everyone. Racism is real. People hold their purse closer when they see a black man. People weaponize 911. There isn’t more to the story.
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