What is 'the Muslim space'? Where can I find this fabled place? It's bandied about whenever 'internal' issues arise w/n the Muslim 'community'.
How do I reach this place? And will I be allowed in?
Women, Black, Queer, differently-abled and minority Muslims are constantly reminded that their gripes must be dealt w/ 'inside the Muslim space', lest Islamophobes catch wind and weaponise our grievances against 'our community'.
Re: misogyny, we are tired of bearing this burden collectively on behalf of miscreant hetronormative, cis-gendered Muslim men.
Our existence is not tied to your honour.
Your Islam is not in jeopardy if we speak out about Your numerous abuses that have plagued 'our community'.
Saying let's deal w/racism, misogyny, sexism, ableism 'inside Muslim spaces' is insulting, tantamount to abetting abuse. It enables the most deviant to stifle all debate.
No accountability, no justice, no change in mindset/behaviour. Business as usual after some non-apology.
Re: misogyny, we're reminded 'not all Muslim men'. Great to know some of you were 'raised right' but saying this doesn't fix the problem.
Saying 'sorry you had this experience' does not alleviate the issue.
Stop treating each incident as an exception when there are countless.
Recognise this is indicative of a serious structural problem w/n 'the Muslim space'.
It is place where women, Black, Queer, differently-abled and minority Muslims are continuously policed, told to pipe down for the good of 'our community'.

We are exhausted.
Let's be clear: there is no room for these groups inside 'the Muslim space' in our everyday life.
We are relegated to the fringes and should we speak up publically, we're reminded to use 'the Muslim space'.

A space where we sit at the periphery. Tokenized and silenced.
So to those who say let's discuss racism/misogyny/ableism/sectarianism w/n 'the Muslim space' I implore you to fix up this space ASAP. Right now it is exclusive, intolerant and a place for repeated denialism and normalisation of abuses, all the while shrouded by faith.
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