2020 is definitely a year of isolation. Not only are we isolated by quarantine but by political correctness, simplistic opinions, and differencing ideologies.

For what happened to George Floyd - that was a clear cut crime. 1/?
I do not know if it was a racist thing though. Until I have more information I can just assume police brutality.

But in response to this I have seen people being drug in the street, buildings being demolished and burnt. And for what? Change? 2/?
To invoke change we must identify the issue without no uncertainty. And as for now there is still uncertainty upon why the officer did what he did.But in the process of protest, rioting should not be the answer. Change from rioting only provokes stronger stands against change 3/?
And as well this rioting is causing more harm than good. More people will be murdered, small family owned businesses will be demolished and a part of this is that we did it. We the people did it.

Now, I do not like to vocalize my opinions on social media usually. 4/?
But this was a thread of me just venting. Whether people believe I am right or wrong, that is up to their judgement. But I wanted to write these opinions and thoughts down somewhere so why not here? Sure I may get hate but I am okay with that. 5/?
Anyways if anyone has even gotten this far into the thread, thank you for reading!

I pray that everyone can move forward this day into this week and hope change will prevail. Whether this is police brutality or racism, we must stay open minded and create change through dialogue.
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