so for folks who maybe are NOT going to resist in the ways you're seeing, you can do one thing: work every connection you have to get your city to defund the police. even better if you aren't known as someone who talks about these issues a lot
cities will be making extremely tough choices around their budgets. If you are seen as "respectable", as not an activist, if you are WHITE and especially upper class, go to every city meeting and testify that you want to see police budgets slashed to save housing, parks, edu, etc
cities are held hostage by the political suicide of not providing extra funding to the cops. make this CHANGE by stepping up. flood the meetings with white people saying they want fewer cops but more safe housing, jobs, transit, infra
Think about what cities use cops for. Traffic citations? you want fewer cops but more transit and safe streets esp thru heavily policed neighborhoods. Domestic abuse? you want more social workers. solving crime? you want more DETECTIVES. Homeless ppl? how about land trusts.
Obviously activists etc should be there too. But mayors and city alders hear from them a lot already. Cutting police budgets takes real political courage from their side. Tell them you want it!!
In addition to meetings, write about it. Facebook, Twitter, most importantly, LOCAL NEWS. Op eds. Letters to the editor. Your local radio station. Find good people to be interviewed. Find journalists, tell them what you think because otherwise they're going to just interview cops
You should still be an activist& donate directly to the people in this rebellion against state sanctioned violence and murder.BUT. so much happens at the city level. Devastation of city budgets due to the pandemic means it's never been more important to allocate $ other places.
obviously I also think POC should do all these things but cities are absolutely used to their white residents being NIMBYs who like police. It shouldn't be up to only Black activists to go to every city council meeting and fight this.
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