you may have noticed that there have been a lot more attacks on 875 these days and it's been getting louder and more frequent. one thing to keep in mind: please remember that b/h is getting ready to file their ipo and are expected to be THE entertainment agency in k0rea. ++
b/h just applied for their preliminary review to get listed on k0rea's biggest stock market. if they are approved and the IPO goes through, they will become the largest ent company in k0rea. the way to bring down their value is to attack their biggest asset, which is 875.++
slinging arrows at 875 and the fans is the easiest way to get people talking and making something out of nothing. that means there will be more unfounded rumors, more articles written to get us to worked up and be loud about issues that shouldn't even be issues. ++
the worst thing to happen will be us being loud and trending HTs and making the situation worse by trying to defend things that shouldn't even have to be defended. so please do your due diligence. check accounts to see when they were made.++
if there are rumors, stop to see if there are clear explanations before tweeting about it. wait to see what the full story is rather than be in a rush to spread misinformation, condemn etc. as y00ngi said, the đŸȘłs are out. let's get rid of them silently.
a lot of the trolls/antis in forums have realized it's much easier to wreak havoc in the fandom by being on twt & they amplify each other's twts. the worst thing to do is to engage with them. that means: do not reply. do not QT. just report and block.
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