A researched thread on why police should NOT be in our schools, anywhere in America.

Police in schools harm Black & Brown kids & students with disabilities.

So don’t come with your antecdotal story about how Officer ___ is so nice at your school...

Research not anecdotes.
“Research shows that the mere presence of police officers in school increases the likelihood that a student will be referred to law enforcement for adolescent behavior. School-based arrests, which fall more harshly on students of color...”
“Disabled students...are three times more likely to be arrested than their peers. School policing is still very disproportionately harming students of color, students with learning disabilities, and the students who identify as LGBTQ”

“school-to-prison pipeline” (STPP) to describe how harsh school disciplinary policies and law enforcement policies intersect to feed young people into the criminal punishment system. This system criminalizes rather than educates students..” https://www.teenvogue.com/story/how-the-school-to-prison-pipeline-works
A few amazing organizations who have been doing this work in some cases for years are:
Black Lives Matter Chicago
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Assata's Daughters
Alliance for Educational Justice
No Cop Academy
Students Strike Back
“..mere presence of police in school increases the likelihood that a student will be referred to law enforcement for adolescent behavior. School-based arrests, fall more harshly on students of color, put students in direct contact with the justice system.”
“For immigrant and undocumented students, bringing police into the school building can lead to deportation for themselves or their families.”
“Data from the U.S. De-
partment of Education confirms that students of color and students with disabilities are saddled with a disproportionate number of the school-based arrests...that result from an increased police presence in schools.”
You can follow @D_Stieber.
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