Six steps Asian Americans can take to be allies with black community:

1. Resist and dismantle white supremacy — do not allow ourselves to be a "model minority" tool of white supremacy
2. Vote for and support leaders and policies that advance the black community: non-racist sherrifs, affirmative action, abolition of prison.
3. Know our own history and how white supremacy has led to lynchings, death, internment and decitizenship of Asian Americans
4. March, strike, boycott, speak out in solidarity with black community
5. Advocate for reparations — and in the meantime, give funds aggressively to support black organizations and businesses.
6. Stop it with that anti-blackness already (within the AsianAm community and without)
7. Bonus for AsAm parents: send our kids to public schools and support black students, teachers and principals.
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