I'm not advocating violence, but one potential pitfall of putting all your chips in non-violent resistance is that it presupposes that a higher morality will prevail if people see the true face of injustice against a calm, rational resistance.
But if they can morally justify your death, if your life fundamentally holds no value to them, non-violence may not work and they will just keep killing you without remorse, they will keep imprisoning you with manufactured justifications, and they will justify every response ...
that disrupts their peaceful lives by citing your inherent lack of morality and civility. "They do this because they're THUGS." It's never because of the conditions they've been subjected to while those in power have been telling them to be patient and wait and behave, as they...
consistently set mouse traps around black/Latinx communities to police behavior they let slide at home. One could argue that fundamentalist adherence to non-violence is akin to neo-liberalness for Black people. It can sound great on paper and from a distance, appealing to...
lofty ideals intended to pay long-term dividends if you shut up in the short-term, but it rarely does much to change your condition in life, or your children's condition, or their children's.
It's straight hyperbole predicated on giving gratitude for services you've never received because "things take time" and "could be worse." Well guess what ... things are worse. Again. And ... the United States was founded on violent resistance. Fin.
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