So there is a non-zero chance that the gov't falls (to be clear, not the state, the regime) which is uhhh the first time in my life I ever remember thinking that but I actually think that's unlikely largely because of the failure of the Dems to channel is into politics
The Dems in their infinite arrogance and confusion blocked Sanders, even Warren, who wouldve offered a "way out" of this situation. But the liberals failed their one major historical role: to play spoiler, backstabber and coopter to radical energies
Instead they spent all their political capital defeating a left electoral challenge, which served to both demoralize the soc-dem left and the liberal center, both of which might be a successful damper on this moment. Instead there's Biden-LOL
In other words, electoral and respectable left took each other out in a contest over scraps, and now neither side can play spoiler. They left the field open to both the fash of the reopen protests but also to the real revolutionaries
But the lack of an "alternative" governing option makes the possibility of political recuperation of this moment less likely. It makes the insurrection more dangerous but also more potentially totalizing
I have no idea where we might go from here but I do know I'm thinking about the recent intense unrest in the Navy, wondering what morale is like in the Army and National Guard...
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