Thread -I’ve spent two years studying gender issues. Discussing here, reading, thinking etc. And I think I have come to the far end and have realised that in fact it’s not a new thing, it’s just the latest manifestation of a very common phenomenon, a belief system. Which means...
2 that it doesn’t have to be treated differently fro the rest of human history, despite the departments of queer theory and acres of verbiage and anime and fetish and everything else. The essential facts are:....
*sex is immutable. No getting away from this.
*the existence of gender identity is the basic tenet of the belief system. Everyone gets to choose, freely, whether they believe this, but nobody gets to coerce anyone. Believe in it or not. Your free choice....

* every adult is equally free to choose who they want to be, how they dress and look, who they sleep with, with one proviso - they can’t harm others in any way
*we leave kids out of it so they too can make a free choice when they reach adulthood in turn...
5 So all that takes care of how an individual looks, thinks, behaves, everything.


Like any belief system, this one will attract SOME people who aren’t great at independent thinking, or who may have strange ideas about how to get things done....
6 which automatically means that we MUST distinguish between the beliefs themselves and the methods some followers may choose to evangelise.

So If a subscriber to the belief system chooses aggression, violence, abuse of others, etc, they are committing a crime....
7 It’s just as much a crime to assault another person because you feel your beliefs have been slighted as it is to assault them for any other reason. Ditto any other crime, eg vandalism, verbal abuse, obstructing others’ free movement. And liable to same legal sanctions..
8 so by analogy false logic, invalid debate and all the rest of the verbal gymnastics are just as open to criticism as any form of logic or debate.

Ie claiming that you are special, you truly believe what you’re saying, you’re more vulnerable, you might kill yourself...
8 if challenged or contradicted, is as inadmissible as it would be anywhere else.

And that truly is the whole thing shorn of verbiage.

It’s simple. It’s not complex, it doesn’t need polysyllabic jargon except as an academic exercise for those who enjoy it...
9 it’s a subject for debate like any other if you want to debate it. But in the end, sex can’t change, everyone can be who they want, nobody has the right to force their own beliefs on others, and aggression is a crime.

It really, truly is as simple as that.
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