A new normal for public transport is the key to maintaining the environmental improvements we have seen in recent weeks. When the commuting starts, the polluting starts.
I'm developing more resilience to trolls and abusers on social media just lately. When the refuting starts, the muting starts.
I've learned some new skills during the lockdown, such as being able to photograph the owls in our local woodland. When the hooting starts, the shooting starts.
Some drivers are already showing frustration with traffic management as our local council makes physical readjustments to our town centres. When the rerouting starts, the tooting starts.
My PC is starting to show signs of age and over-use during lockdown, with more frequent crashes these days. When the computing starts, the rebooting starts.
Everyone blaming everyone else for the problem of the unpicked crops in England's orchards this summer. Once the fruiting starts, the imputing starts.
We must never cease in our efforts to expose the ridiculous claims made for practitioners of homeopathy. Once the diluting starts, the imputing starts.
This thread brought to you by one of my coping strategies. Have a nice weekend, everyone.
You can follow @GrahamYapp.
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