For those of you that don't seem to understand and keep saying "Blue Lives Matter" to throw in the face of Black Lives Matter right now, let me put it into perspective by using a new example.
In your elementary, middle, and high school I guarantee you came across an absolutely horrible teacher that never seemed to get fired because of tenure, etc. And I bet it frustrated you really bad.
This bad teacher probably ruined that subject for you or grade level. But I bet you also had incredible teachers too--ones you could count on and who really made all the difference in your education.
By saying you hated your 5th grade teacher, you don't discredit the entire education system. You're pointing out the ones with flaws in their chosen position. Now place that concept back onto cops. Is every single cop bad? NO. Is every single cop racist? NO.
When someone says to you, "I really hated my Geometry teacher" you never say, "I don't believe you, because I had a great Geometry teacher." Because we're grown and understand that isn't how this works.
Us saying there are horrible, despicable cops out there does not discredit the good ones. It doesn't take away that one once saved your life, or helped you in a crisis. It is highlighting how bad the bad ones are. Which is something everyone should be okay with.
The difference between teachers and cops is that cops choose between life and death for civilians every day and that bad cop can mean murder for innocent people. Let's find out who the bad ones are, let's get them out of a position of power and save lives.
We KNOW everyone's lives matter. But right now this is about police brutality against black lives. Let's fix the system. Let's get the racists out.
I posted the same thing in my town's facebook group, cause why not piss of racists? and it did not disappoint.
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