I was the bitter ex? Screenshots were flying all over the place, proof of how you continued to bully me after the breakup but did anyone see anything from my end? Why? I was still neglecting, keeping quiet.

Lol. If my mission was to ruin you, why did I wait for two months?
Before speaking?I keep saying it. 10th of March was when we broke up for good. But two weeks before then, I already tried to break up. You kept calling for days to the point of asking your mother to reach out to me so I wouldn’t leave you. And you were the one growing distant?
Lmao. Should we talk about the mails? Yes! Let’s talk about those.

I wrote to you concerning a debit I received that I couldn’t trace and you washed me in return! Still, did I say one vile word to you?
You come online to prove pro do whatever you want with you body but you not only bodyshamed me, you slut shamed me! Even after I realised the debit mistake on my part and wrote to inform you.

You said my father insulted your mom? Lies! Never!!!
You were the one who said trash runs in my family. This is how vile you are! And in these mails, you admitted to ganging up against me with my ex, and looking at my fallen breasts and laughing. Why do you still have my nudes if you’re over me? Through all these
I refused to insult you or your family. And I still kept it out of Twitter. If I was truly bitter, do you think I would have held off?

Lol. Your parents were calling me and my parents to BEG us. They asked me to come online and Lie for you! Lie that you didn’t rape me
Claim it was a publicity stunt to save face, to save your reputation and I made it clear that I will NEVER sacrifice myself for you especially when I’m saying the truth!

You apologized because you brother saw that chat and told you you have no case! I still have audio recordings
Of you and your brother admitting to raping me over the phone calls we had. Or did I manipulate your brother as well? Lol.

See as you came online and conveniently left out the other accusations, denying only the rape because your friends and parents have told you
That’s the one that will ruin your reputation. You’ve been suicidal? Your mental health?

Lmao. I was suicidal! Once, I slit my wrist the night you Called me hoe! It was just one nights of many, you always Called that even in the relationship!
What about how you had people reporting my every move to you? In my hostel? My streets? On these Twitter streets? How you would attack me because of something that someone said to you, made up hogwash and a sprinkle of my past to spice things up and you’d eat it all up!
You never cared to defend me! I’d always ask you, why do these people feel comfortable coming to you? Why are you entertaining them?!

You’d call me a clown and other colourful words!

You told me I’ll be dragged and you’ll catch cruise. You’ll flex on it but I wouldn’t be able to because “I am a good girl”.

See, I’m tired of dropping reciepts. There are still so much more. So much more, but I’ll stop here.

Boluwatife, you raped me. We both know it’s true.
You abused me emotionally and verbally, over and over, that is true. You blackmailed me and released my nudes, that is fucking true!

You and your parents started to beg me to take back my words to save your face, that is true. (The audio recordings of those convo exist)
This was a silly and foolish attempt of you to clear your name. The stupid ones will believe your lies and offer you the sympathy you sap desperate crave to make your come back to TwitterNg
Lmao. To think I kept forgiving and letting things go time and time again but you just wouldn’t stop with your lies and slander! You’re an evil person. Very very evil.

I don’t regret many things but I honestly wish my phone crashed the first day you sent me that DM.
Anyway, you told your guys you only dated me for the public rep, so I’m not surprised. Keep getting clout off my name.

To those telling me to ignore, it’s easy to say that when it’s not your name being dragged in the mud.
No, I’ll clear my name. Twitter or not. Some day, I’ll have enough money and time and I will Sue your ass to court and make sure you spend well deserved time in jail.
To think I was actually praying for you. It took you so long to come up with a thread because it takes so long to craft lies. You were covering your face in shame as you faced the consequences of your actions.

I’m not a bitter person, never have been, never will be.
Do what else you will do. I will not say anything more on this issue.

You vile man. Criminals like you should cower in shame and be grateful for their victim’s mercy for the rest of their lives. But alas, criminals like you don’t know when to stop.

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