Tried to explain TikTok’s marvellous appeal to my advisor (dont ask why) & I kept remembering one of the the most fertile imaginative tangents in my childhood was everyday daydreams of dancing to Govinda choreography. Perfect execution & in my everyday spaces lol.
I had a fairly repressed upbringing in terms of bodily expression & no privacy while sharing a bedroom with brother & grandma. Occasional bursts of dancing were limited to the bathroom. If I’d had TikTok you better believe it would be all the Kisi Disco Mein Jaayein UH-UH moves.
I keep looking for some writing/thought on imagination in childhood & why it always felt so vivid & rich compared to being an adult. Adult daydreaming sucks. Dont know how my flights of fancy these days all are aspirational career or home nonsense & so boring. Miss govinda days.
Anyway all this to say Indian TikTok offers such opportunity for people to imagine themselves as protagonists of their own fantasies & I envy it. The person I imagined grooving to Makhana on my school rooftop was not always a recognizable version of me & it feels like a loss.
Also this thread was triggered by this woman’s amazing verve & she deserves all the appreciation. 😍
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