The group in the first Screenshot is a learned one and they never abuse anyone. They actually guide people. They are Dharmiks.

The guy mentioned in second pic is a 19 year old Henta*i addicted moron. Him is called trad here.
DHARMIKS are those who have invested years in learning about our Dharma.

DHARMIKs are compassionate and have a depth of understanding.

There approach towards non-knowledgeable people is different. ++
I know that Majority of DHARMIKS are occupied with bigger tasks. They normally address a large audience so message can be send loud and clear.

DHARMIKS do not abuse, they do no sIut shame any woman, they do not call wh*re to women who are gullible. ++
DHARMIK people try their best to make gullible people understand their roots and their duties.

We, Hindus have been under constant attack for several hundred years. We got independence from foreign rule after struggling for so many years. ++
After we got the independence, Our Hindu identity was merged with a secular identity

Gurukul culture was lost. The school and university syllabus were heavily biased

Upper caste Hindus were demonized in books and at many places, Hindu Sadhus and pundits were shown in bad light+
Temples and Brahmins were projected as oppressors. The majority is shown as oppressive. The ideology of liberalism has been extensively promoted in course books.

Liberal professors and school teachers with the help of course books hijacked many young minds. ++
Many have turned Atheists, anti Gods, and have started questioning Hindu Gods and scriptures.

The schools are co-ed. The Hs were given constant guilt trips about their identity. The constant guilt trip and forced secularism have made many kids irreligious nowadays. ++
Those who are religious, they do not even follow the rituals.

But there are some who learned things by themselves, their parents helped them and they protected the Hindu identity, they are DHARMIKS.

They serve cows, they perform Yajnas, they share the knowledge ++
regarding Veda, Upanishads, Purana, and stories from our two epics, the etihas from Treta and Dwapar Yugas.

Many of these DHARMIKS are running Mutthh(Mutt), some of them are running NGOs and some of them are working in MNCs. ++
These DHARMIKS never abused anyone and they never launched any online mob attack on gullible Hindus or any other person.

One of these DHARMIKS here is . @vvaayu. He has established a Vedic Pathshala . @vAIdikabhArata.
. @vvaayu has done many things for our religion. He with his team restored many scriptures and they digitized those scriptures too.

Many young students are learning Vedas, Mathematics, Science, and languages at this Gurukul. He is a real Dharmik. ++
. @Gopalee67 Ji is another Dharmik here. His timeline is a source of learning about Vaidik life and Sanskrit.
These two young kids . @BangadVedant and . @Aadii009 who are age 20 and 22 are good accounts here. They read and share about our scriptures.

They always discuss and do not launch abusive tirade over someone who is gullible. ++
. @gary_agg she covered Sadhvi Pragya's story and a Dharmik person. She has guided many young girls here and she has worked for H girls who were victims of violence.
Another good Dharmik account here is . @yaajushi Jiji. She dedicated past few years of her life in teaching online Sanskrit.

She has guided many young girls here. She always helped them.
So, there are DHARMIK accounts here who help gullible Twitter users.

Not a single one of them ever sIut shamed any girl who came to Hinduism.

Women and Men who left the one sided Secularism, who stopped feeling guilt about their roots were not called wh*re by these DHARMIKS. ++
On the other hand Garry Di was abused by this small trad group for guiding Hindu girls back to our roots. She was mocked, she was abused and she was trolled.

Dharmik people too are victim of this self proclaimed Trad group who is abusive and lies far from Dharma. ++
Madhavan was praised by the DHARMIKS for protecting the traditions. But he was abused by the Trad group for keeping a Jesus statue which he kept for his Domestic helpers who are from different faith.

DHARMIK Hindus care about everyone equally. Thry do not discriminate among Castes. Each caste helped the Hinduism.

But this Trad group used casteist memes against . @besahay_bakait because he questioned their abusive behaviour. ++
I do not support Squint on many issues but he questioned these abusive handles who sIut shame Hindu women, give them rape threats and ask for their honour KiIIings. ++

Check the reply of a guy who is self proclaimed trad.

Remember Dharmiks do not sIut shame women. +++
These self proclaimed trads make insensitive and horrible memes on Hindu Gods. The guy in the right makes such horrible meme and abuse Hindu girls.

They call Shakti-tva as Su*ktitva/Shoktitva. They even mock Swami Vivekanand and even abuse him. ++
These are the encounters of Hindu women with self proclaimed Trads.

The woman is a trad account here.

No DHARMIK Hindu would call names to Hindu girls. ++
If any Hindu woman shares her opinion, she gets sIutified these trads.

They promote honour kiIIing and even give rape threats.

For the past few years, we have seen that Love Jihad has become a serious issue. The Co-Ed schools and coaching centres are big platform for LJ.

Many H girls fall for this and when they are rescued then they get abused by these Trads. They demand to rape her or kiII her. ++
Yogi Maharaj himself made arrangements that women who were abused in their relationships get speedy Justice. He never abused them.

Yogi Maharaj is a DhARMIK and not an internet trad who gives rape threats. ++
DHARMIK Hindus do not call Ran** to Hindu women. They do not ask to r*pe any women.

These drunkard trads who abuse lower castes, make horrible memes on Hindu Gods, sI*t Shame Hindu girls are not DHARMIK. They are a blot on Hinduism itself.
Visit any Mutt, any Gurukul, any temple and ask any Priest, any Saint and and Pundit that asking to r*pe women is Hindutva or not?
People like Nishant Raj . @T_1000__ whose alt is . @HinduTrad call Ran*i to women. He calls himself King of trads and abuse Janeu.

He guides other Trads and They make R A N D I chain under Hindu girls' tweet. ++
I have nothing against this Trad group. There are many adult accounts here which morph pictures of women and share. Thus group is the same.

I wrote this thread so people stopped taking trads as DhARMIK people.

In the end, the Real DHARMIKS are helping these liberal turned Hindu girls and boys.

They help without abusing them and sIut shaming them. Hope more Dharmik Hindus will join and more liberals join the cause. ++
Here I end my thread. I am a Brahmin and I am too learning from these DHARMIKS. No matter how much these trads try but more liberals will come to our side and there is nothing anyone can do about this😏

Jai Shree Ram.
Jai Bhagwan Parshuram.
Jai Maa Bhavani.
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