-I’ve taken multiple curses in first aid procedures specializing in bandaging and bleeding, pls rt and share for the people in protests to use on injured persons
#BlackLiveMatter #BLM
Disclaimer: First things first, just by knowing this procedures doesn’t make you a professional so be careful. Second: i’m not from the US so idk how the medical system works there, but if anyone can educate me on a mistake a make pls do!!
1️⃣For starters, the duties of a first aid paramedics are: making sure ppl are safe, prevent hurting the person more, obtain help and mobilize the patient w/o causing damage. The order in ur actions should be: Check up the injured ➡️ call an ambulance ➡️atend the person
2️⃣ Before helping, ensure your own safety first. Making a barrier between u and the injured (in case of coming in touch with blood) I’m gonna show you the different kinds of vendages: For Protection, To Compress and to Inmobilize. Below here are the two types of bandages
3️⃣The first one is like a roll, and the second is the triangular. The first us used for every articulation injury. Here’s a video of how to bandage. It’s the same proces for mostly every part of the body. First you secure the palm, and roll it on top of the wrists and repeat
4. The triangular bandage is used for head injuries to prevent bleeding. Also used to cover injured extremities like hands and feet. You can use a bandana as a triangular bandage. VERY IMPORTANT: make sure you don’t bandage too tight, this could cause further issues
5. For burns, be it by chemicals or fire should be treated with abundant water. Don’t use milk for your eyes when you’re hit with pepper gas, this will irritate them and cause significant injuries. Use water
6. IMPORTANT: when someone gets injured, say by a getting pushed or thrown harshly to the ground, KEEP THE PERSON IN THAT POSITION, moving them can possibly hurt them even more. In cases like this, make sure the person is conscious, determine the injury and call an ambulance
7. If the person is unconscious, proceed to check their airways, and if not breathing: begin CPR. In this case you have to move the person to their back and get someone to hold their head steadily, to prevent neck and spinal injuries
8. For cpr REMEBER it’s 120 compressions per minute. Your hands should be at the end of the lungs, a little down from the rib cage. TIP: Get someone to call an ambulance why you keep doing cpr. Remeber to constantly check the airways. The compressions should be hard
9. Bleeding. learn the ABC: A(lert) B(leeding) C(ompressions). The procedures are: cutting the clothes of the affected area, and depending on the type of hemorrhage, you should make direct pressure on the area. Blessings can be: arterial, in the veins, and capilar
10. They are in order of most urgent to less. If the bleeding is occurring in an extremity, use a bandage of piece of clothing to wrap around ABOVE the injury, NEVER below it. Here’s an easy way to make a tourniquete.
11. If the bleeding is less urgent, make direct pressure in the wound for at least 10 min. Make sure to get in that time a piece of cotton bandage or clothing to cover it for the time being (before getting actual medical services) and keep it safe from bacteria
12. REMEBER, clean the wound before covering it!! IMPORTANT TIPS FOR OTHER INJURIES: in case of feeling like passing out, sit the person and make them get their heads between their knees (like an ostrich) this will take blood to their head. In case of convulsions:
13. IMPORTANT, in convulsions there’s not much we can do, but we can get the person in a safe space, and you can hold their head to avoid injuries. ALSO pls remember to stay hydratated. In case of intoxication vía inhalation, digestive or in the skin: DONT INDUCE
VOMITING. THIS CAN MAKE IT WORSE!!. If it’s on the skin, clean the area with a LOT of water. To finish, when calling an ambulance remeber the W’s!!! “What happened, How it happened, Where and When”
Stafe safe out there. LETS PROTECT EACHOTHER. I hope this thread can help people, also if you need to know what are the medicines required for each problem or injury you can wife or dm me!! also, excuse me for bad english
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