Hong Kong residents with British National (Overseas) status are still British nationals. They're not immigrants, they're patriots the same as you or I. They have every right to come here, and we have every duty to let them. This is not the case for other foreign nationals.
As for those saying "muh oPeN bOrDeRs" or "bUt wE lEfT tHe eU bEcAuSe tOo mUcH iMmIgRaTiOn" are missing the point: those people weren't British citizens -- we had no duty towards them, but this isn't the case with BNO's in Hong Kong.
It isn't a libertarian wet-dream.
It isn't a neo-Imperial fantasy.
It isn't white man's burden syndrome.

It's a moral duty to fellow British nationals whom we've let down for the last quarter of a century.
Now, does that mean we won't face similar difficulties in infrastructure, resources, and social cohesion we would with migration from other countries? Of course not.

...That isn't to say we wouldn't be better off putting the effort into trying to protect our citizens than trying to recruit citizens from actually foreign (legally, culturally, and morally) countries.
We could still (and must) control or could even suspend immigration elsewhere to mitigate the very real circumstances. But it doesn't change the fact that protection of British nationals is a moral duty, not just a political question.

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