

The leftists have done it.

All you screeching poseurs gave cover to all the world's terrorists, who are now here, burning and shooting.

"Let's have open borders! What could go wrong?"

Hey, how about cartel gunmen burning down your cities?

The Minnesota National Guard is protecting WHITE SUBURBS because white leftists are the NEXT TARGET.

They took care of the city's black people, so YOU GUYS are next!
"People shouldn't have guns! Only the police should!"

Well, guess what?


The police are guarding critical infrastructure.

Why is that?

Because YOU PEOPLE gave cover to TERRORISTS who are apparently just getting started.
The Minnesota governor says that the people destroying your city are WELL-TRAINED and PROFESSIONAL.

"We'd be better off without the police!"

Now you get to find out if you were right.
You'd better be goddam grateful for two things:

One, @realDonaldTrump is president.

And two, Trump prepared for this long ago.

You won't hear about what's already happening.

It's funny that I was so struck by this training video tonight.
The really fast gun is the M134, while the slightly slower one is the GAU-21.

WHEN--not if--Trump turns the troops loose on the people who leftists enabled, those people will be disappeared.

Some will be captured and...persuaded to explain who they are and who trained them.
As if it's a question.

It was Iran.

So then Trump will whack Iran's peepee REALLY hard.

Without telling you.

So once again, YOU caused all this with your endlessly destructive, brainless ideology.

"I wanna live in Pretend Land!"
That's nice, but Iran, China, and the Gulf cartels want to genuinely and actually kill you.

And now they're all over the country, moving amongst you.

For everyone talking about hunkering down, knock it off.

Our troops have no rules of engagement.

Defend THIS country, ON OUR SOIL, without worrying about the press, judge advocate generals, and Obama.

Good hunting, men and women.

If you ever want to talk, I'll exchange a hell of a story with you.

We'll amaze each other.
As for leftists, you are the greatest slow-motion train wreck in our country's history.

No wonder so many people are ditching your ideology.

Luckily this crisis happened at the right time, when the right president was in office.
I think tonight proves that Trump is prescient.

Why else would he so frantically build up the military and special-operations units?

Don't be afraid.

All will be well.

You can follow @COsweda.
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