might be an extremely unpopular opinion, but recently i’ve been seeing a lot msian ‘influencers’ (esp that one joshua dude) saying that just because they’re ‘influencers’ doesn’t mean they owe it to their audience to set an example or represent bc they’re ‘normal people’ +
i think that’s complete bs. ‘normal people’ aren’t diplomatic. ‘normal people’ aren’t neutral. if u have a platform, shouldn’t u be using it to its fullest degree? if u know u have an audience, shouldn’t that be more of an incentive to speak up about issues?
ignorance and complacency isn’t going to get you anywhere. it really baffles me that there are people still out here doing paid sponsorships in the current climate. it’s not wrong to claim responsibility. do better. a few followers aren’t more important than humanity.
this might be an incredibly unpopular opinion but since i’ve been seeing this theme circulate quite a bit amongst malaysian ‘influencers’ especially, i thought i’d share my two cents and see what y’all have to say as well.
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