Why @SonuSood will join BJP in the near future. A thread:
1. @smritiirani publicly praised Sonu's work in helping arrange transport for stranded migrant labours even as BJP is facing flak for their apathy & inaction on the same across the country. Why would a high profile Minister point out that a citizen is doing govt's job?
2. @vishals34171518, BJP Allahbad youth wing president (and definitely NOT a migrant labour) tweets a photo of himself with Sonu, boarding a bus "back home" and saying thanks. In what world is a brahmin BJP youth leader "stranded" & unable to find means to go back home himself?
3. @ArvindP67820085 or Arvind Pandey mysteriously finds and tweets a photo of Sonu's bus pass from 20 years ago which Sonu himself promptly retweets. Any one taking a quick glance would find that Pandey is a known BJP bhakt and his twitter TL is full of islamophobic content.
4. Soon enough, BJP IT cell vehicle @ShankhNaad that regularly posts islamophobic content & "Tejo Mahalya" type conspiracy theories, also praises Sonu on their FB along with the same bus pass photo, alluding to his "humble beginnings" (main bohot ghareeb tha). Sounds familiar?
5. Now comes the national mainstream media. All channels, as if almost in a choreographed move, start devoting hours on a regular basis to Sonu's coverage. Of course we all know none of these channels dare run ANY content unless its signed off and approved by their handlers.
6. All this isn't to say Sonu's efforts should not be praised. They should be. But he's not the only one helping those disenfranchised by the system during this pandemic. Lakhs of Indians are doing so. Heck, he's hardly the only public figure making a contribution rn either.
7. For example, @RanaAyyub has been feeding THOUSANDS, literally putting her life at risk, daily. She's been organizing efforts for longer & arguably reaching more people than Sonu. Yet, how many ministers have you seen praising her? How many news channels have run Rana stories?
8. We all know why, Rana is not only a woman and a Muslim (2 groups the RSS ideology others) but also one of the few voices to document the Gujarat & recent Delhi pogorms & question govt's role in them, bringing intl media attn. As such. she's hardly a poster child for the Sangh.
9. @SonuSood on the other hand, is perfect. Not only is he a UC Hindu man, but has ALREADY been caught on camera in a @cobrapost sting agreeing to promote BJP in exchange for money. Unlike @akshaykumar he is an Indian citizen and unlike @vivekoberoi he is not a total loser.
10. Last but not least this whole thing is playing out in Maharashtra, a state BJP recently lost & which the pandemic has hit the worst. Using a citizen's efforts to point state govt's failure (ironically) & gather sentiment for when they buy MLAs is right up BJP's dirty alley.
To anyone who thinks this is "far fetched", I have two words for ya. Anna Hazare.
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