The more I read on the anti-black propagandas so readily set in our global societal norms, the more my heart aches. And over the past week, I’ve been so reticent to say anything as I felt that I didn’t know enough.. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing and inflicting more-
damage, more hurt, in a world I see now holds even more injustice than I thought possible. I just would like to say now that I am with #JusticeForGeorgeFlyod always.
And I am with everyone else who have had to suffer from fallacies of which should have never been normalised #BlackLivesMatters
I’ll continuously reply to this thread with some articles / videos of which have allowed me to better understand the depths of this injustice. Let’s do what we can and educate ourselves to allow for a better, safer society to be within our reach.
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