That @Jollz tweet reminds me of the horrors I witnessed when I was part of prison ministry in church, the stories we heard from inmates kept me awake at night. I will never forget an Akpan we met in Portharcourt prison, we had finished service and were leaving when he threw...
A piece of paper at me and I quickly grabbed it, I knew the drill cos we had done this so many times. The paper will either contain a phone number or an address, sometimes the addresses are so vague that you will go through hell trying to locate the house.
On this paper was a name (Idongesit) and a phone number but it was so hurriedly scribbled that I couldn't make out one number. When I got home I had to replace the blurred one number with 0 to 9 and called everyone asking for Idongesit. Someone finally picked and said to hold....
Idongesit was his sister and guess what? He had been missing for over three years. They had BURIED him so they can have closure, apparently they buried an empty casket to symbolize him. She was in Akwa Ibom state and I informed her that her brother was in PH prison.
She burst into tears and got to PH the very following day, so we went to see her brother. Guess what? He was watching football at a viewing centre and there was a police raid in the area. All of them were picked up but most were bailed by morning, the ones who didn't have...
Anyone to bail them were hauled to prison and then moved around prisons. It was the most harrowing thing I had witnessed, he did not commit any crime he was just watching TV. Eventually with help of the church his sister was able to get him out, he wept like a child...
And kissed the road when he got out, they eventually left for their hometown together. My spirit was so disturbed, how many of him are languishing in prisons across the country? I felt sick
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