1/ I’ve had the privilege recently of speaking to senior serving and ex intelligence officers on both sides of the Atlantic. Every one of them is appalled at what’s happened to #HarryDunn’s family and I’m told there isn’t a single person either in CIA HQ in Langley Virginia or...
2/ MI6 in U.K. who agrees with #annesacoolas departing without facing justice. Importantly none could think of a single officer who is or who’s work is so important that would justify that officer being removed after such an incident in the UK. Many are embarrassed and feel that
3/ the name of the CIA is being tarnished. That sadly leaves us with the inevitable conclusion that this was purely a political decision on the part of the Trump administration who were aided and abetted by the most senior of government ministers in London. This sadly has...
4/ far reaching and devastating consequences, not only for Harry’s family but all right minded and reasonable people in both US and U.K. who believe in the rule of law but who have watched both governments rip up the rule book and who continue to attempt to justify the decision.
5/ you don’t get to kill someone and walk away in a rules based system no matter who you are. Had Mrs Sacoolas had diplomatic immunity she would not have been charged nor would an Interpol red notice have been circulated worldwide in respect of her. She is coming back and those
6 responsible for her departure will be held to account. Next Judicial Review hearing is on 18 June in London where disclosure of documents surrounding her departure will be dealt with by the court and responses to Subject Access Requests will also be due.
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