Ok, seriously, just gonna say this.

If you see military units deployed, YOU WILL LOSE. DO NOT FIGHT THEM. WITHDRAW.

If you fight them YOU WILL FUCKING DIE. https://twitter.com/kenklippenstein/status/1266604816081485825
Stop being drunk on your own triumphalism. Achieve objectives and then take pains to keep yourselves safe.

This is not The Night of The Revolution. The people will not sing tonight.

You will just fucking die, and be cursed for rising up.
I am saying this as seriously as I have ever said anything in my life.

Do. Not. Fight. The military.

They will kill you. They will do so without glory or struggle. You will just fucking die.
You will not be mourned. You will not inspire the masses. You will just fucking die.

When someone has a machine gun pointed at you, and you don't have a machine gun or cover, it is time to withdraw.
The cops already have the *ability* to kill most of you. Do not think you are a badass who can take them. You can't, in a stand up fight.
This does not make your cause less righteous. It only demonstrates that the righteous cause does not render bullets harmless.

Don't. Fight. The military.

Fuck, if they bring out SWAT, even, it's time to regroup elsewhere.
Note that I am not saying "do not protest," or even "do not break shit to make a point," we're beyond that rn.

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