2. Please keep your eyes closed a little longer.
Imagine being told repeatedly that your rights are of primary concern. Each time you express how unwelcome you now feel in your home, you're told that people stand with you and value you. That's nice right? https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/discrimination-eu-citizens/
3. Are your eyes still closed?
Now imagine you need help. Concrete help. You've a chance to hold the govt to account for disenfranchising you. But you need another £21k for legal costs. That should be easy, right, with so many people "standing with you"? https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/discrimination-eu-citizens/
4. You can open your eyes now. It's time to face the reality.
We have less than a week, until 4pm on Thursday to raise the remaining £21k needed.
The reality is, if we don't reach that target, they'll once again feel as if they don't count and are unwelcome.
You can follow @NicolaJames007.
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