Hi everyone, I’m Tife and this is me doing what I should have done a while ago.

I’m sorry this thread is coming late, I didn’t have the strength and mental balance to compose and drop this when the whole matter was heated because I was not only sad, I was shocked to my teeth.
the worst of it. I was under so much pressure to say my side of the story and clear my name, but I wasn’t thinking straight, I might have made it worse if I shared this thread that same day.
I hurriedly dropped the Apology so I can get over the trauma I was going thru at the time and get a mental Balance to come forward properly. I had to stay away from the internet and from people because I’ve never experienced this type of accusations before but thankfully
I finally have the strength now

I AM NOT A RAPIST. I never raped anyone and I will never rape anyone. Seeing tweets from my Ex girlfriend Comfort Oroboghene accuse me of Rape just because we broke up shows the length people could go just to ruin you.
It was so surprising to see her say “I raped her and abused her over and she has had to endure it.” Wow! It’s Sad that all a Woman needs to bring a Man down now is accuse him of Rape and Ofcourse all Women will drag the Man without hearing his side
How do you sleep at night tagging someone a Rapist knowing fully well that he isn’t and painting me as an Evil person to the world?

Yes I was childish with some of my comments because I Loved Sansa, I didn’t want the Break up to happen,
Our society doesn’t allow Boys to show hurt or weakness after a breakup that is why I kept dropping those comments trying to prove to the world that I didn’t care about her anymore but I did, I always did. Sigh

The Past few days have given me a deep reflection about life
We grew distant by the day and Sansa started dropping quotes on twitter hinting towards that
And when she knew it was heading for the rocks Sansa engaged me in a Conversation and brought up my birthday night. I never would have thought Sansa was trying to Set me up. She’s very intelligent I must confess.
We both willingly took off our clothes. You even put on the Condom for me. Can someone ask Sansa what reason I have or used to rape her?

It’s Okay to be Bias because she’s a Woman or you’ve already picked sides but if you have any conscience you’d know I’m telling the truth!
The moment I heard the word rape I knew I couldn’t continue in the relationship so I don’t get accused of rape but alas it happened even after the breakup.

That day was the beginning of the end of our relationship but i was still fighting for it because we had already become so
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