I was in a gc with ana. Ana is my friend. I am making this post regardless of the gc’s permission or approval. So I am sorry if this is scary for anyone. Please take care. I need to get this off my chest bc I am associated w y’all. We did not hold each other accountable today.
I was gone from 1-10pm today. I have also not read everything in the chat. So I will try to be brief.
And to make it clear I am 100% urging if BIPOC tell u you’re doing something shitty just shut up and listen to them. Just shut up and listen to them if u get called out swallow ur ally pride just shut up
I don’t have an opinion on the apologies or process or apologies because I was not here for any of it and I am honestly not reading back into Ana or Dev or anyone’s tweets bc idk it’s kind of clear to me if ppl say the apology isn’t enough then it isnt enough .???
Like honestly there was so much talk about how Ganjie is “out to get Ana” but like idk Ganjie is a Black person expressing that what Ana did was bad and by not just listening immediately it became silencing.
Ana made two tweets that Ganjie found problematic. One was abt raising awareness abt AntiBlackness in Asian communities. I didn’t read the tweet so honestly idk what it said. Ana also made a guide to allyship w links to tweets from Black OPs. These were speaking over BIPOC.
sorry these tweets aren’t gonna show up chronologically idk how to use the reply button
So originally we’re all like “how is this speaking over Black ppl?” we think “isn’t it convenient for ppl to see this info? It’s all from Black folks. She’s not claiming it’s her ideas.” But that wasn’t the point. I asked on Lex’s tweet why it is what it is. Someone informed me.
Someone replied to me saying it’s bc quote RTs are kind of like reposts, the engagement goes to Ana’s account instead of the OP. That makes sense.
So I saw how it changes things. This is kind of where I’m not active cause I had to finish moving and cleaning. But coming back to Twitter I’m seeing how dumb we are
This was a shut up and listen moment for all of us as NBPOC. There are BIPOC in our chat who didn’t see a problem but that’s not the point. The point is someone Black told Kellie Ana did something wrong and Kellie communicated it to Ana. And we questioned it.
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