A thread!
Link to the form:

This Google doc has an example of what to put in the box where you describe the incident/complaint: https://docs.google.com/document/d/104yD-J54nAukfU04QYAMjHJtWOFhCxNs53yaxzwK3Us/edit
He wants to be re-elected next year so let’s make him earn our vote.
If you want to share this on Instagram pls see my post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0BvYgnbdP/?igshid=14uzcdv3sn5fw
Pleaaaase also see this thread. #JusticeForBellyMujinga

https://twitter.com/directoromok/status/1266524426893484035?s=21 https://twitter.com/directoromok/status/1266524426893484035
The BTP released a statement today regarding the issue (see the image). It provides no evidence that the police actually investigated this thoroughly enough. Plus Ms Mujinga’s employers still need to be held accountable. So we should KEEP EMAILING our elected officials.
You can follow @ceevalentina.
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