I'm just gonna say something regarding y*'s issue once rn: he has been the figure I respect the most in my life and he still is. I've been seeing threads of explanations regarding Korean and Black's PoV and that's enough for now. This wasn't even brought up when it was released--
So surely it can WAIT a bit later? F*ck the anti who purposely started this IN THIS TIMING? And guess what. So far from what I've seen my black moots aren't angry from what he did, what annoyed them AND ME is that THIS ISSUE FILLS THE TL INSTANTLY INSTEAD OF IMPORTANT BLM UPDATES
I JUST woke up from catching lack of sleep, opened tl to see what I can do more, only to see non-black people raging about y*, wanting to email bh, and ant* making it bigger, to the point that it's difficult to find blm significant updates that I missed during my away hours
I have no opinion about if y* is right or wrong cus I saw logical opinions about them from both KR&Black
I have no opinion about if b*h/y* should "explain" about this cus ant* is gonna use this against him
Am I worried for him? Ofc I do. Ant*'s ability to spread is always a worry
But currently I'm more worried about a bigger issue. A MUCH bigger one. I'm not even sure which tags to use cus rn as well I'm desperate to help aside of donations and petitions I did.
Luckily I found calm explanation threads before anything so I didn't get into a full anxiety attack but my heart beat is still rly high from anger rn fuck if anyone reads this and has new petitions since 10 hours ago or any e-mails to send by non-US residences to help pls lmk
LASTLY: 3 tweets/threads that are reasonable for me

1. People knew it in 2019. Then May 22nd when it was released. Why is this a BIG ISSUE ONLY NOW? Fuck ant* who started this and people who hyped this https://twitter.com/dant8e/status/1266540821685420039?s=19
2. KR pov explanations https://twitter.com/gamerjeonjk/status/1266563702330966018?s=19
3. A friend, a black man's pov. Again as far as I've seen my black moots are concerned about why this more highlighted than BLM, not offended by the issue instead https://twitter.com/TEARPNG/status/1266593696893394945?s=19
If you're anxious looking at tl, rest. It's not wrong to take care of yourself. If you're staying here, please at last help to keep highlighting the current real issues. Please.

I've been told about this just now, my deepest apologies if I offended anyone. Please tell me kindly if I need to delete this thread and I will pay attention to write black people more carefully. Thank you https://twitter.com/Toastelle/status/1266602880028405762?s=19
You can follow @Toastelle.
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