Sorry that I haven't been interacting or talking about any of the stuff that has been going on, It's not for lack of caring or anything like that, but rather for concern over my safety, and I would rather take actual action, like donating to bail out funds and to victims (1/5)
Families (which I and other people in my family have already done), rather than keeping my action and involvement solely to spreading hashtags on Twitter. I urge everyone to take actual action instead of just constantly "raising awareness" to your same 100 followers (2/5)
Over and over. Awareness is good but it only gets people so far. And if you can't donate please sign petitions and have others sign them, or tell others to donate. Additionally I would like to say this will be the only time I'm addressing this on this account as I made it (3/5)
Specifically for talking about hetalia and would like to keep it that way as this is a space for me to shut out the noise and stress of the outside world and just focus on something I love, which is especially important considering the fact that my mental health has been (4/5)
Doing Very bad lately. I would appreciate it if people here could respect that. Please donate and show support for the cause and do more (if you can) than being a Twitter activist. (5/5)
ADDITIONALLY: places to donate to-
If you have anymore please tell me so I can add it to this thread!!
You can follow @hetacpm.
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