The unfortunate reality is that people from the Valley think because there is a small population of blacks in our area, we shouldn’t use our voices. Disregarding social issues is exactly the reason why the RGV has yet to progress.
The RGV really needs a wake up call when it comes to how self involved we are. People tend to only think about the Latinx community and the issues we face. We’re not the only community living nor are we the only ones who need help. Please think about and educate yourself on -
issues the black community faces along with the impact protests have on society. Ask questions and don’t be offended if your statement is debunked with evidence.
May have gone on a (necessary) tangent, but the point is - protests are needed. By saying these protests aren’t necessary is a slap in the face to the black community who never fails to show up for us.
If anyone is offended about the shocking reality the RGV is, you are unfortunately part of the problem.
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