#Kiswahili is Africa's best shot at a continent wide language. Kiswahili's main speaking Countries (Kenya & Tanzania) should strengthen the language and make it more African. Borrowed words should be re-looked into, or Africanized because we still have many original words in use.
Even though most languages borrow from others and just like we have old and new English, we still have many Old Kiswahili dialects which can be used to realign many original words. Newer words, especially technology words can be Africanized and used in teaching Science curriculum
Africans also need to learn more African languages for trade and travel. Africa needs Language Institutes for major African languages like Kiswahili, Hausa, Zulu, Amharic, Lingala etc all over Africa, the same way we have English, Confucius, French, Spanish and German Institutes.
Standardization of Kiswahili that was done during the colonial times and after Independence wasn't properly implemented, and didn't really help to Africanize the language. Tanzania seems to have adopted it better, while Kenya's Kiswahili got messed up somewhere along the way.
Many Kenyans for example study formal Kiswahili in school and understand it, but have also created a Kiswahili Creole (Sheng) that's very popular. Kenya however needs to work to strengthen its formal Kiswahili teaching methods so as not to lose its richness and potential.
African Governments need to also translate sciences and scientific words into African languages, then start using them in elementary classes. Frequent use in school curriculum could also help save them from extinction. African languages should be used more, nurtured and enriched.
If Africans can go to abroad and study sciences in Japanese, or Chinese while being able to do the same in English for example, don't see why we shouldn't strive to teach the same in our own African languages. African nations should develop Science curriculum in African languages
Kenya and Tanzania should also work together to translate Sciences into Kiswahili, then gradually align their school teaching programs. Overall it seems there's been a lag in developing African languages application in sciences, lack of proper translation and lack of Govt effort.
Since Independence African Governments have been teaching and carrying out business in mostly foreign languages. There's been lack of serious effort to apply African languages to scientific applications and lack of effort or funding for serious research and or translation effort.
Alot of time has been wasted since Independence building foreign languages while letting African languages die slowly. Africa Govts need to fund proper language development ( especially in Sciences) in their Countries and help promote use of these languages in all areas/sectors.
African Governments are guilty of not trying hard enough to help our African languages grow scientifically. African Govts have been just sitting comfortably many years since independence with us(Africans) learning foreign languages, while our rich African languages die slowly.
Imagine a Masai herdsman using his spare time to learn coding, or a taxi driver in Johannesburg using his lunch break to watch a tutorial on how to create a mobile app in his or her language! @bareebe
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