i’ve been MIA this week for personal & mental health reasons but i’ve been keeping up with the news and know it’s important to at least come on here and acknowledge that every person who follows me—including myself—has the responsibility to take action for #JusticeForGeorgeFlyod
here’s a thread you’ve probably already seen before, but if you’ve scrolled through it and haven’t done a single item on the list, this is my calling for you to do so. https://twitter.com/tpwkhollands/status/1265757092473954306
myonna tweeted a playlist of black booktubers to support—and this is one of hundreds of these lists. the same exists for books by black authors, black content creators, etc. google it. in fact, google any questions you have rather than forcing creators of color to be your guide https://twitter.com/itsmyoreads/status/1266146071635468289
there’s a remarkable amount of tweets from white readers right now asking for recommendations of books from black authors or black main characters, which is good, but yall need to continue reading diversely beyond times when #blacklivesmatter is trending.
twitter is a great place to find resources and stay updated, but the first post i saw when i logged onto facebook today was a “friend” posting memes about minneapolis. if you see reactions like that, stop it in its tracks. dont just engage on twitter—promote awareness offline.
i’m afraid i’m just saying things that have already been said, but i’d rather repeat those words than say nothing if by the off chance these resources are getting to someone who hasn’t seen them yet.
i’m gonna lie low on social media this weekend to recooperate from a bad week but everyone speaking up and affected by this is in my heart. i cant imagine the pain of living through these kinds of tragedies again and again. i love yall, stay safe.
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