I’m back, because I was informed of the situation. I apologize for jumping into conclusion. I’ve been tense since protest started happening, and everything that’s been happening with blm. My anxiety was spiking up and I jumped into conclusions without waiting.+
I did send an email for clarification, I was informed about what that man did and I acted out. In no way did I want him to be sworn at but educated. When I should have her the one to be educated. I love him and I’m proud for his accomplishments. +
At the end of the day, I think it is fair to say that we have all been very tense, angry and sad with the situations that are happening rn, and my emotions got the best of me. I’m still gonna step out, it’s getting overwhelming but I’ll come back in a few hours
Also there is this thread that we should all read. https://twitter.com/elliotsang/status/1266562389903843331?s=21 https://twitter.com/elliotsang/status/1266562389903843331
You can follow @pjmyoonie.
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