So normally I don’t believe in educating white folks for free in the age of Google but I’m inebriated.

True allyship involves not only taking the struggle on as your own and standing up in solidarity, but transferring the benefits of your privilege. Basically, OPEN YOUR PURSE.
Every anti-racist educator that I follow regularly posts opportunities for white followers to offer financial support. (And no, I’m definitely not referring to S***n K**g). There are tons of vetted non-profits providing bail money & medical care to protesters.
I need white folks to do more than acknowledge Black pain. As a collective, they have the power to alleviate it. And it can start with redistribution of wealth at an individual level.
This thread is a great place to start btw. Posting a screenshot of a receipt would mean a hell of a lot more than a “Black people, I see you” tweet.
You can follow @faithelle331.
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